Determining the age of archaeological remains from the Dutch soil archive is a crucial aspect of archaeology. Over the past decades, thousands of 14C-datings have been carried out and published for archaeological research in the Netherlands which are not publicly available.
Within the initiative E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure Heritage Science), there is now a chance to change this. At the moment, a great number of universities, government agencies, companies, museums and archives are working on sustainable access to archaeological data and/or information. The Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijkdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, RCE) and EARTH Integrated Archaeology are working together to create a futureproof database of published 14C-dates from archaeological research in the Netherlands. For this purpose, a consortium has been formed by the RCE, EARTH, CIO (University of Groningen), DANS-EASY and 14C Tandem Laboratory Uppsala.

Submitting Data
The success of this project depends on the cooperation of archaeological parties and the willingness to provide the 14C-data. Therefore, Eva Kars (EARTH Integrated Archaeology) will contact several companies and agencies in the archaeological work field to discuss the possibilities. Interested parties can of course report themselves to Eva Kars or Bjørn Smit.
We are hoping for an enthusiastic cooperation from the work field, so a database for permanent use in the future can be realized.
Eva Kars, EARTH Integrated Archaeology,, 06-24 86 41 86
Bjørn Smit, RCE,, 06-11 36 48 13